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Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Simple use


LinearOpMode is the base class that you derive from when creating a Linear Operation Mode.

As opposed to a regular OpMode, which runs in a loop, a LinearOpMode runs everything in order from the start to the end.

A LinearOpMode is generally easier than a regular OpMode for newer programmers, especially for autonomous.

Like a regular OpMode, LinearOpMode comes with all the necessary methods, interfaces, and classes to run your robot like Telemetry, HardwareMap, etc.

Simple use

Makes a class that inherits from LinearOpMode and implements the runOpMode method. The name that will show up on the driver station is “MyLinearOpMode” and it will be under the Autonomous section.

class MyLinearOpMode extends LinearOpMode{

    public void runOpMode(){


*This page is still being written. Here is the link to the official JavaDoc